Annual Bests

Greetings again from the darkness.  This page is a collection of my recent “Best of” lists.  Every January, I send out my recap of favorites to a group of friends and family, as well as posting them on this site.  All you have to do is click on the year of interest.

Please keep in mind that my list is not a prediction of Academy Award winners, or even nominations.  The lists are comprised of movies that I enjoyed and/or touched me in some way.  Frequently my comments will include observations on the acting, writing and directing, but mostly I am concerned with the overall impact of each film.

Another thing to know is that I purposefully avoid reading reviews from mainstream critics prior to seeing and commenting on films.  I have no agenda other than feeding my film addiction and, hopefully, helping a few people decide what movie they might like to take in, or even add to their Netflix list.  That said, I do understand that I am not a “normal” movie watcher.  I have very high expectations, especially for the story.  I can overlook many things, but it is highly unlikely that I will enjoy a movie that doesn’t have some substance to the story line.

So take a peek at the lists and let me know any feedback you might have.  I don’t take comments personally and believe that much of the fun of movies is in the debate and discussion that follows.  Enjoy.

One Response to Annual Bests

  1. lb says:

    Well done.

    Should provide nice, authentic alternative to imdb.

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