CLODAGH (2024, short film, Ireland)

Greetings again from the darkness. No dialogue is spoken for the first two minutes, which is significant when you note this is a 16-minute Short Film. That first couple of minutes features Mrs. Kelly (Brid Ni Neachtain, THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN, 2022) diligently going about her business as housekeeper and assistant for a rural Irish priest. As she polishes shoes, vacuums the church, and scrubs the tub, it’s clear Mrs. Kelly is a woman of faith and structure.

Though we are a bit surprised to learn Mrs. Kelly also runs a dance school, it’s no shock when she initially blocks a new student from entering the class since the proper paperwork hasn’t been completed. “We’ll have no Dallas, Texas here”, Mrs. Kelly sternly informs the young girl as she wipes away the glitter make-up. This new student is Clodagh (Katelyn Rose Downey, THE NUN II, 2023), and she unwittingly awakens something in both Mrs. Kelly and her fiddle player, Mr. Hickey (Jim Kitson).

This is the fourth short film from writer-director Portia A Buckley, and the script is co-written by Michael Lindley (TWIST, 2021). The film expertly sets up the internal conflict that plays out as commitment and dedication versus inspiration and passion. This little gem is making the festival rounds, including Tribeca in June 2004.

Here is an 18 second TRAILER

2 Responses to CLODAGH (2024, short film, Ireland)

  1. Huilahi says:

    Another excellent review. I’m not sure if I will watch this one because I don’t have any interest in short films. I just feel that such films rarely leave an impression on me due to their short length. That being said, this has attracted my attention. It seems to be touching on themes which deal with religion, faith and small towns. Although it’s a completely different film, it reminds me of “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri”. That was also a film capturing characters questioning identities in a small town setting. One of my favourite films of 2017.

    Here’s why I loved it (listed at number 1 on this list):

    The Best Movies of 2017

    • Short films are an acquired taste for sure. I have learned to appreciate a filmmaker who can connect with me quickly and make me care about the characters and story. The best ones are amazing. Plus, it’s often the way new filmmakers break in and show off their talent.

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